What if Robert doesn’t get any volunteers?

2017-08-03T10:07:48+00:00August 3rd, 2017|

This hasn’t happened in over 3000 shows, speeches and seminars worldwide. Robert is a master at the art of stage hypnosis. He understands the dynamics of group psychology. This enables him to instantly develop trust and rapport with each audience he entertains. Robert creates a positive environment in which audience members feel safe, comfortable and willing [...]

Alright, but our group is unique (and very conservative).

2017-08-03T10:07:32+00:00August 3rd, 2017|

This is the most commonly heard statement. Groups are different, but when it comes to hypnosis they are very much alike. Everyone enjoys having fun. Robert quickly identifies the comfort level of each audience and tailors his show appropriately. Doctors, lawyers, farmers, managers, engineers, teachers, sales people, college students, company presidents and professionals of every kind [...]

I don’t want anyone to be embarrassed.

2017-08-03T10:07:13+00:00August 3rd, 2017|

Robert’s philosophy is “when in doubt, leave it out”. Respect for his volunteers is Robert’s foremost consideration in each performance. Even though people do some silly things on stage, each demonstration is presented using good-natured hypnotic suggestion. Everyone has fun. This allows you to rest easy knowing your audience will be thoroughly entertained without being embarrassed. [...]

If we do have a band, can we use Robert’s show to help get people dancing?

2017-08-03T10:06:17+00:00August 3rd, 2017|

Yes. In fact, Robert’s show is the perfect vehicle to get your dance off to a successful start. Using post-hypnotic suggestion, Robert cues his volunteers so that when he says a certain word like “microphone”, they head to the dance floor and begin dancing to the first song of the evening. Successful transitions are everything and this [...]

Is Robert’s show safe?

2017-08-03T10:05:59+00:00August 3rd, 2017|

Absolutely. Hypnosis is nothing more than the power of suggestion. Even though it resembles sleep, there is no “trance”. Participants experience a heightened sense of awareness and concentration. In essence, people close their eyes and participate in a progressive relaxation exercise. Robert leads each participant in a role playing game with their mind. Under Robert’s skillful [...]

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