ALBUQUERQUE, NM, AUGUST 25, 2016 – K&A Wireless LLC (the “Company” or “K&A”) has been awarded $749,958.00 by the National Science Foundation (“NSF”) in a Small Business Innovation Research (“SBIR”) project, entitled “SBIR Phase II: Cognitive Radio Small Cell for Pervasive Coverage and Sustained,” (the “Project”) which is under the direction of Kamil Agi, Ph.D. The award starts September 01, 2016.
The Project seeks to complete the development of a Spectrum Intelligent IoT (“Internet of Things”) Gateway initiated during Phase I. The key innovation of this system is a proprietary Spectrum Intelligence capability used to identify spectrum occupancy in the vicinity and modify transmission parameters in the network.
Dr. Agi comments: “This approach will allow the system to address current and future spectrum scarcity issues and reliability challenges caused by the large number of devices that are being deployed and the capacity required to support such devices.”
K&A believes the impact of these advanced technology concepts will improve the stature of countries in the world market where K&A and its commercialization partner, SensorComm Technologies, Inc. (“SCT”) are operating, such as Ibero-America. The Company expects this technology will significantly improve the ability to handle large numbers of devices on a network without bogging down the overall network and ensure future bandwidth intensive applications. In addition, the technology has the potential to provide internet-connectivity for an underserved population through citywide deployments.
The award date to K&A was August 21, 2016.
About K&A Wireless LLC: Since 1998, K&A has led the development of advanced technology solutions for law enforcement, firefighters and military. K&A’s wireless technology roadmap for first responders has helped save thousands of lives.
K&A Wireless LLC
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